
Compost Analysis

Standard Compost (M1) $52.97
pH, % Organic N, % Ammonium N, % Nitrate N, % Total N (combustion,) % P2O2, % K2O, % Sulfur (S), % Calcium (Ca), % Magnesium (Mg), % Sodium (Na), ppm Zinc (Zn), ppm Manganese (Mn), ppm Copper (Cu), ppm Boron (B), Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR), % Moisture, % Dry Matter and 1st year availability calculations.
Complete Compost (M7) $86.63
Standard plus C:N Ratio, soluble salts, % OM, % C, % Ash, bulk density.
Complete U.S. Composting Council Standard Testing Assurance (STA) Screening (M100) $365.00
Dry Matter, Ash, pH, Aluminum, Boron, Copper, Manganese, Iron, Zinc, Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium, Sulfur, Potassium, Phosphorus, Nitrate, Ammonium, Total N, Organic Matter, Organic Carbon, C:N Ration, Moisture, Bulk Density, Soluble Salts 1:5, SAR, Human Inerts & Plastic, EPA 503 Metals, STA Pathogen Screen, Respiration OM/day, Respiration TS/day Seeding vigor & Emergence. 
Complete Compost + Solvita + Human Inerts (M9) $179.03
Complete compost + human inerts & plastic, Solvita maturity rating and Index.
503 EPA Heavy Metals + Pathogens Screening (E103) $211.86
 As, Cd,Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, Mo, Ni, Se, Zn, and Salmonella.
Fecal Coliform can be added for an extra cost.