Soil Test Analysis
Basic Soil Fertility (BSF) starting at $11
For lawncare business only
Soil pH (1:1), Buffer pH, Organic matter (%), Cation exchange capacity/sum of the cations (meq/100g), Phosphorus (ppm P), Phosphorus Saturation Ratio, Potassium (ppm K), Calcium (ppm Ca), Magnesium (ppm Mg), Cation base saturations. The BSF with graph ($12) includes sodium (Na) with cation base saturation graphs.
Sandy Loam Special (SLS) starting at $15.30
BSF plus: Sulfur (ppm SO4-S), Manganese (ppm Mn), Zinc (ppm Zn), Boron (ppm B). SLS with graphic report ($16.37)
Complete Soil Fertility (CSF) (S3/S102) $21.19
SLS plus: Copper (ppm Cu), Iron (ppm Fe), Sodium (ppm Na), Aluminum (ppm Al) Soluble Salts (mmho/cm), Nitrate (ppm NO3-N), recommendations and sufficiency graphic report.
Wildlife Food Plot (S155) $21.78
CSF with sufficiency graph and recommendations (lbs/1,000 sf) for perennial clover and small grain/hay mixed crop.
Complete Turf (sod production, sports fields, trees & greens etc.) (S152) $24.20
CSF with sufficiency graph and recommendations (lbs/1,000 sf).
Lawn Care Special (S13.75) $15.13
For lawncare businesses only
BSF with graph and recommendations (lbs/1,000 sf) within the Livable Lawns standards.
Homeowner Lawn/Garden Special (GS) (S152) $24.20
CSF with graph and recommendations (lbs/1,000 sf) for a typical garden crop.
Homeowner Soil Sample Mailer Kit (S153) $33
Individual soil test kits for lawn, gardens or wildlife food plots are made easy. Kit includes sample bag, instructions, sample information submission form, and a postage-paid envelope. Results are emailed and mailed once finished. Please use the link below to order soil test kit located under our order supplies tab.
BSF, Nitrate (NO3-N) + Ammonium (NH4-N) (S37) $18.65
SLS, Nitrate (NO3-N) + Ammonium (NH4-N) (S28) $18.90
Soil Nitrate (PSNT) Nitrate & Ammonium (S22) $10.70
Soil Texture by Hydrometer (S127) $26.62
% sand, % silt, % clay and USDA soil classification.
ASTM Highway Soil Specifications (S145) $87.51
Mehlich III nutrients, pH, soluble salts, % OM, soil texture + particle size separation
Particle Size Separation $12 per sieve
% retained + % passing
Crop reccommendations available $1.07
Additional Test Items
Total N, total P, Solvita soil health, Modified Morgan extraction, water extraction, dissolved phosphorus, saturated paste.